Cembalo d‘Amore after G. Silbermann approx. 1720, 1 x 8‘, C - d, 1670 mm, stand, *CD N° 75- 4837
The Cembalo d’Amore according to Gottfried Silbermann, Freiberg approx. 1720
J. J. Adlung describes this instrument in his "MUSICA MECHANICA ORGANOEDI" as " an invention from the Silbermann workshop, a Cimbal d'Amour", which touches the strings in the middle with the tangents. Adlung uses the term tangent for the tangents of the clavichord as well as for the jacks of the harpsichord - so it seems not totally clear which instrument he ment. There are some points speaking for the interpretation as harpsichord mechanic, as in this case the plectra which is touching the middle of the string really gives a quint dominated sound, like a bassett, which honours the melancholy of the d'Amore instruments.
The one manual instrument is built according to a drawing of Adlung with thin walls and in Italian style. The strings are from brass, the disposition 8’, C-d''', pitch and transposition 392/415/440 Hz.
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