2-man. Pedal-Clavichord after J. H. Silbermann 1775, 2-man. 8‘ + 8‘, unfretted FF-f
2 x 2 choirs, pedal C - d1, 2 choirs 8‘ + 16‘, unfretted, 2000 mm,
pedestal separately
The two manual unfretted clavichord based on the Silbermann instrument, Jestetten 2005
From the intense collaboration with the clavichordists Johann Sonnleitner and Stefan Müller the wish for a two manual clavichord came through. Also literature like the Goldberg Variations or organ pieces should be plaid with this instrument - pieces which pretends two manuals. To redevelop the "old practice instrument" of the organists, two Silbermann clavichords with five octaves have been built on top of each other. So that the keyboards are not too far away from each other, the keyboard of the upper clavichord has been put 7 cm lower - so the keyboards almost have the normal distance from two manual instruments. Both instruments can be plaid also single.
The two manual pedal clavichord based on the Silbermann instrument, Jestetten 2005 (photo see above)
Heinrich Nicolaus Gerber, *1702, was organ and harpsichord pupil of J. S. Bach. In 1728 he became organist in Heringen and 3 years later in Sonderhausen. Apart from his church works and his teaching, he even found time to build - with help of a carpenter - a 12-registered organ with pedal. In 1742 he built a two manual pedal clavichord in the shape of a pyramid with 10 possibilities to change the sound.
In 1760 a two manual pedal clavichord with compass C-e3 (8’double choir) for the manuals and CC-c (16’/8’double choir) for the pedal was built in the workshop of Johann David Gerstenberg, organ builder in Geringswalda. This instrument is now at the university of Leipzig.
These instruments were the stimulation to continue the tradition of the pedal clavichord. The rebuilding is made according to Joh. H. Silbermann, Strassburg 1775, to redevelop the "old practice instrument" of the organists. So two 5 oct. clavichords with compass FF-f3 (8’double choir, unfretted) made from walnut have been built on top of each other. For that the distance of the both keyboards is not too, the keyboard of the upper clavichord has been put 7 cm lower - so the keyboards, covered with ebony and bone, almost have the normal distance of two manual instruments. Both instruments can be plaid single or coupled. The pedal clavichord - also from walnut - with compass CC-d (16’/8’double choir, unfretted), can be registered single or coupled. The stringing is based according to the Silbermann scaling in brass and the pitch 392 Hz.
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