Instruments of Roman Sukac & Michael Scheer

The English spinet according to Baker Harris, London 1765
One of the most traditional instrument maker families of the 18th century were the "Harris" from the Denmark-Street in London, England. Baker Harris was mentioned the first time in 1740. During the 40's he built very praised organs, spinets, harpsichord and pianofortes which were exported to the whole world. His instruments emphasized through gravity, a warm sound and cantability corresponding to the late baroque sound ideal.
The model for the rebuilding was a Bentside spinet "Baker Harris Londini feceit 1765". It's totally from maple and waxed antiquely on the outside. The keyboard is covered with box wood and ebony/bone and has a compass of FF/GG-f'''. It was extended about 2 semitones, in the transposing's favour 392/415/440 Hz.